Friday, October 13, 2006

eweeee blogging



Peacechick Mary said...

Spider, spider on the wall, Spider, Spider get off the wall. Can't you see it's just been plastered, you dirty bast*#rd. What kind of spider is that! Looks venemous to moi.

peter said...

this is a grass spider. They weave a funnel shaped web usually out in the yard and you see them in the morning when the dew is on them. This one lived on a bookshelf on the porch and got really fat. They're harmless but we have plenty of black widows around.

peace, peter

Blue said...

harmless or not....

Mary said...

Nope. Don't like spiders. I know thats just fear of the unknown but they creep me out. I have gotta overcome this. I get some black widows around here too.

pissed off patricia said...

It sounds like a housekeeping spider. Harmless but doesn't allow any other pests to settle in. Now wolf spiders, that's a whole different thing.

I love the sight of dew on spider webs in the morning. They crate some very pretty art work and give you the feeling that the beauty of the night has not yet been disturbed.

pinkfem said...

We have huge brown tarantulas that will soon be roaming the streets in October as they try to warm up on the blacktop before going into hibernation.